Your gift to Texas Book Festival through your will or trust will make a lasting impact on TBF’s mission to connect authors and readers through experiences that celebrate the culture of literacy, ideas, and imagination.

You may wish to support Texas Book Festival through your will or estate plan. There are some simple, flexible, and versatile ways to ensure Texas Book Festival can fulfill its mission for years to come. Many of these options could provide a tax advantage, do not require the assistance of an attorney, or require you to donate any of your assets today. For more information on any of these options, please contact the Development Director at Texas Book Festival at

Gift TypeYour GoalHow to Make the GiftBenefits to You
BequestMake a revocable gift during your lifetimeName Texas Book Festival as a beneficiary of assets in your will• You maintain control of the assets during your lifetime
• Gift is exempt from federal estate tax
IRA Charitable Rollover/DistributionMake a tax-free gift that Texas Book Festival can use immediatelyInstruct your IRA Administrator to transfer funds to Texas Book Festival• Satisfy annual required minimum distribution
• Gift amount not counted as federal taxable income
Appreciated SecuritiesMake a gift that Texas Book Festival can use immediatelyInstruct broker to transfer stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, or other securities to Texas Book Festival• Take immediate tax deduction to the value of the gift
• Avoid capital gains tax
Donor Advised FundMake a tax-free gift that Texas Book Festival can use immediatelyAdvise the organization sponsoring your donor-advised fund to make a grant to Texas Book Festival• Can be used to make a tax-deduction possible even with higher standard deductions in new tax laws
• Decide how to allocate gift at a future date