All updates to the 2024 Texas Book Festival Schedule and Author Lineup will be noted in the 2024 Schedule Updates page. The most accurate and up-to-date schedule is always our online schedule, which will be released in October. Please check the 2024 Schedule Updates page for author cancellations, session updates, and other Festival Weekend information.

Full Author Lineup

Discover the full lineup of authors participating in this year’s Texas Book Festival. From celebrated best-sellers to emerging new voices, explore the diverse array of writers who will be sharing their stories and insights. Dive into their backgrounds and works to plan which author sessions you won’t want to miss!

Visit our 2024 Author List to see a text-only list of the featured 2024 authors!

Author lineup
TBF22 General Saturday LS 1

2024 Schedule

Explore the full Texas Book Festival schedule to discover all the exciting books, authors, and events happening this year. From author panels to book signings, there’s something for every reader to enjoy. The 2024 Festival schedule will be published in October.

2024 Ticketed Sessions

While Festival attendance is always free of charge, there will be two ticketed events for headlining authors Malcolm Gladwell and Matthew McConaughey.

Ticketed web new

Poster artist

Each year, a talented artist creates an original poster that captures the spirit of the Texas Book Festival. Meet the 2024 Festival Poster Artist and explore their stunning work that will represent this year’s event.