Anna Dolliver

Operations & Literary Coordinator

What I work on

I handle the general operations of our office and work alongside my colleagues on a wide range of projects. I assist Hannah with author and publicist communications, provide support for Susannah with development, and work closely with Michelle and Hannah to plan our children’s and young adult programming for our annual Festival.

Why I work here

As an avid reader, I grew up attending the Texas Book Festival and have fond memories of meeting the authors of beloved childhood books. In my senior year of college, I served as a Development Intern for TBF and learned about our Reading Rock Stars and Real Reads programs while getting a behind-the-scenes look at the production of our annual Festival. 

My education and experience

I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a double major in Asian Cultures and Languages and English literature alongside a certificate in creative writing. After graduation, I studied briefly in Indonesia before teaching first through sixth-grade English in Taiwan for two years through the Fulbright program.

More about me

I enjoy writing, drawing, cooking, and learning languages in my spare time. My cat Mothwing — named after a character from my childhood favorite series, Warriors — enjoys eating books, so all the books in my home stay tucked behind glass bookshelves or within drawers when I’m not actively reading.