Michele Moore founded the Dell Corporate Communications department in 1989, which grew to encompass worldwide investor and public relations; executive and employee communications; civic sponsorships; and the Dell Foundation.  In 1991, she was promoted to vice president, becoming the first female executive at Dell.  In positions at previous companies, Michele directed various aspects of communications for pharmaceutical, steel and diversified industrial corporations.  Michele and her late husband, Brad, have been longtime supporters of the Texas Book Festival and the Reading Rock Stars program; endowed The Brad and Michele Moore Roots Music Series through the University of Texas Press; and with the Library Foundation, established the Brad Moore Collections Endowment for the Central Library downtown. Michele is currently a member of the University of Texas Press Advisory Board.  She has served on the boards of the American Cancer Society; People’s Community Clinic; and Austin Planned Parenthood, and was a founding board member of the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders.  Michele received her bachelor’s degree in history from Stanford.