Regan Gammon, a community volunteer and nonprofit fundraiser for the past 40 years, is a founder and past Chair of the Texas Book Festival.  She is a former member of the National Park Foundation Board and served as the Citizen Chair for two years.   She currently serves on the board of Sailors for the Sea, a national nonprofit organization promoting ocean conservation and the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center as an advisory board member. She is a member of the Board of Texan by Nature and has served as Chair of the Board for two years.  She has been a member of the board of the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, President of the Junior League of Austin, and Chairman of the St. Andrew’s Episcopal School Board.  She was also a member of the Town Lake Task Force, creating a framework for the development around Lady Bird Lake on the Colorado River.

Regan and her husband, William Gammon, live in Austin, Texas.  She is a graduate of Texas Christian University.